


 21382 Brietlingen direkt an der B209


   Termine 2024 

Samstag 15.06.24

Samstag 22.06,24

Samstag 29.06.24

Samstag 13.07.24

Samstag 27.07.24

Samstag 03.08.24

Samstag 10.08.24

Samstag 24.08.24

Samstag 31.08.24

Samstag 07.09.24

Samstag 21.09.24

Samstag 28.09.24

Samstag 12.10.24

Samstag 19.10.24

Samstag 26.10.24

Samstag 09.11.24

Samstag 16.11.24

Samstag 30.11.24

mit Voranmeldung

laufender Meter 8,- €

Info Tel. 04133/3878 o. 01703835467



<% ' Guestbook settings Const gbpath = "../guestbook/" Const separateForm = false Const topForm = true Const notifywebmaster = false Const notifyemail = "" Const showtime = true Const emoticons = true Const smtpip = "" ' Constants for file opening Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 ' Constants for fatal errors Const errorCreateDatFile = 530 Const errorReadDatFile = 531 Const errorWriteDatFile = 532 'Stops execution on fatal error '@param Code (int) Error code Function raiseFatalError(ByVal Code) Response.Write "" Response.End End Function ' Attempts to open the [@filename] file in [@iomode] mode ' ' @returns OnSuccess: TextStream object ' @returns OnFailure: Nothing Function gbOpenFile( ByVal filename, ByVal iomode ) On Error Resume Next ' set default return value Set gbOpenFile = Nothing Dim fileSystem Set fileSystem = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) If Not( fileSystem Is Nothing ) Then If fileSystem.FileExists( filename ) Then Set gbOpenFile = fileSystem.OpenTextFile( filename, iomode ) End If Set fileSystem = Nothing End If End Function ' Attempts to create the [@filename] file ' ' @returns OnSuccess: TextStream object ' @returns OnFailure: Nothing Function gbCreateFile( ByVal filename ) On Error Resume Next ' set default return value Set gbCreateFile = Nothing Dim fileSystem Set fileSystem = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) If Not( fileSystem Is Nothing ) Then Set gbCreateFile = fileSystem.CreateTextFile( filename, True ) Set fileSystem = Nothing End If End Function 'loads entries from the entries.dat file Function loadEntries Dim objFS, entries, textstream, f ' by default, entries are empty (contains only a newline character) entries = vbCr 'read guestbook entries into textstream Set objFS = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) If objFS.FileExists( Server.MapPath( gbpath & "entries.dat" ) ) Then Set textstream = gbOpenFile( Server.MapPath( gbpath & "entries.dat" ), ForReading ) If textstream Is Nothing Then raiseFatalError errorReadDatFile Else entries = textstream.ReadAll textstream.Close End If Else Set f = gbCreateFile( Server.MapPath( gbpath & "entries.dat" ) ) If f Is Nothing Then raiseFatalError errorCreateDatFile response.End Else f.Write vbCr f.Close End If End If loadEntries = entries End Function 'generates a comment string from the post-ed information to this page Function generateComment Dim name, email, homepage, city, country, comment, signed, state 'read data entered into form name = CStr( Request.Form( "name" ) ) email = CStr( Request.Form( "email" ) ) homepage = CStr( Request.Form( "homepage" ) ) city = CStr( Request.Form( "city" ) ) country = CStr( Request.Form( "country" ) ) state = CStr( Request.Form( "state" ) ) comment = CStr( Request.Form( "comment" ) ) signed = FormatDateTime( Date, 1 ) & " " & Time Dim full full = "
" & vbCr 'print a comented line containing the fields (for editing purposes) full = full & "" & vbCr 'print each field if entered full = full & "

" If Not( name = "" ) Then full = full & "Name: " End If If Not( email = "" ) Then full = full & "" End If full = full & name If Not( email = "" ) Then full = full & "" End If full = full & "
" If Not( homepage = "" ) Then full = full & "Homepage: " & homepage & "
" End If If Not( city = "" ) Then full = full & "Stadt: " & city & "
" End If If Not( state = "" ) Then full = full & "Bundesland: " & state & "
" End If If Not( country = "" ) Then full = full & "Land: " & country & "
" End If If showtime = true Then full = full & "Gesendet: " & signed & "
" End If full = full & "

" comment = replace(comment, "<", "<") comment = replace(comment, ">", ">") comment = replace(comment, vbCrLf, "
") comment = replace(comment, vbCr, "
") comment = replace(comment, """", """) If emoticons = true Then comment = replace(comment, ":)", "") comment = replace(comment, ":D", "") comment = replace(comment, "=))", "") comment = replace(comment, ":/", "") comment = replace(comment, ":(", "") comment = replace(comment, "X(", "") comment = replace(comment, ":P", "") comment = replace(comment, ";)", "") End If full = full & "

" & comment & "

" & vbCr generateComment = full End Function 'adds a comment to the entries file Sub addComment Dim objFS, entries, textstream entries = loadEntries On error resume next Dim newComment newComment = generateComment Set textstream = gbOpenFile( Server.MapPath(gbpath & "entries.dat" ), ForWriting ) If textstream Is Nothing Then raiseFatalError errorWriteDatFile Else textstream.Write newComment textstream.Write entries textstream.Close End If 'Notify the webmaster If notifywebmaster = true Then Dim objCfg, objMail Dim strBody strBody = "Hallo, es wurde ein neuer Eintrag in Ihrem Gästebuch vorgenommen." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Name: " & CStr(Request.Form("name")) & vbCrLf & "Kommentar: " & CStr(Request.Form("comment")) Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objCfg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 'Out going SMTP server if smtpip <> "" then objCfg.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtpip end if objCfg.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 objCfg.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 objCfg.Fields.Update Set objMail.configuration = objCfg objMail.From = "guestbook" objMail.To = notifyemail objMail.Subject = "Neuer Gästebucheintrag" objMail.HtmlBody = strBody Err.Clear objMail.send Set objMail = Nothing Set objCfg = Nothing End If End Sub 'entry point Dim op op = Request.queryString( "op" ) If (op = "add") Then addComment 'reload this page Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables( "URL" ) End If Dim entries entries = loadEntries %>


<% If separateForm Then %> Kommentar hinzufügen <% End If %> <% entries = replace( entries, "$PATH", gbpath ) Response.Write entries & "
" %>
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